Monday, March 3, 2008

Blog Your Sword Out

(copied from the Georgia Group..thought it beared **is that the right word???** repeating)

Angela recently had a teleconference where she shared that we should all create a blog to tell our stories. I actually started mine about 8 months ago after watching one of her videos about telling your story any way you can.

What I found is that telling the story is, of course, hard at first, but it gets easy and amazingly, the pain and terror goes away after awhile. This TOTALLY amazed me and still does.

I have not told my whole story, yet. I started with one portion because that is what I was able to share at the time. For me, I go slowly and take time. I'm working (in my head) on the next part. I struggle because I have trouble recalling my childhood. Some things are crystal clear and others are murky. I do know what happened to me, but putting it into words or images is what I struggle with.

However, now that I've got the ball rolling, it's coming along nicely, in my opinion.

So, start a blog. Go to and create one. Just anything. Try not to get caught up in anything fancy. If, right now, telling your story is one sentence, then DO IT! A start is a start. Many times the first words are the hardest.

One other thing Angela shared is that we should stop comparing ourselves to others. I am notorious for doing that. "Oh, she writes better than me." "I can't do that." "She's special."

Well, I can do anything. I write just fine, and there is no one, NO ONE, else who can tell my story better than me!



JD said...

Would it be okay if I put this is the Ohio Group also? We really don't have any action there besides me and one other team leader, but maybe it could be an option for future members as they come our way?

Me said...

Awesome post! I think this should be cross-posted to all states groups as well.

Writing is an extremely healthy release..and you are so right - only YOU can tell YOUR story :) Keep up the great work!


Janet Patrice said...

I will agree with Nessa, writing is so healthy and so effective in the healing process. GREAT start and it is so freeing to tell the story as you want it told>

Janet in Vegas