Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fur Persons

We lost the last of our fur persons Thursday night.


i loved those animals

lady tiffany whatzit misty

they never wanted anything from me but a hello and a pet or a scratch

they were happy to see me because it i was me

no more fur persons

i have a big gaping hole that i'll need to fill

i still hear them and look for them

i hope the rainbow bridge is real:

the bridge is the one thing that makes it bearable for my inner kid

...d'ya think they found each other?
...are they playing together? they miss me?
...will they remember me?
...are they happy and in no pain? jesus feeding them? lady likes milk bones!
...are they being petted by angels?
...did god tell everyone where the best scratch spot is for each one?

i took for granted the comfort they gave
i notice it now that they are gone
i could scream for just one more doggy sigh tail wag or kitty purr

godspeed my fur persons

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