Sunday, April 12, 2009


i realized i spend more time thinking of titles so,,,,I'm just putting title in the title. ;-)

Life has been very busy with all the events I'm working on, which is why posting is sparse.

Yesterday, 4/11, I was at our ChalkFest for Safe Girls. We were out at Centennial Park trying to raise funds. I was speaking to people about surviving and abuse and approaching strangers. I realized toward the end that it is really draining to do this for any length of time. While i'm ok with speaking about it and sharing, I just had no idea how much emotional eneregy it took.

Just typing this, my brain is like, pause! pause! still recharging!....

Anyway, I can appreciate Angela's journey more now than I could two days ago. Wow.

On a positive note: I got to meet an awesome 20 year old who went to the abuse camp I'm supporting. 20 years old, a survivor, and out there in the world talking about it! Yes!(At 20, I was drinking and well other things.)

I also met woman after woman who said, "I'm a survivor too." Said in just a matter of fact way. I just smiled. It was a connection. Yes!

I met a few guys who were just as passionate about the need to help and speak up. One guy was so excited about the camp, he told his daughter who is in college to "get together with all your groups and stuff" and "you need to help this camp." "This stuff is even where we live and people need help." I was blown away. He gave the daughter all the documentation. Yes!

I thought later that I should have said something to him that HE needs to help too. That HE should get out there and help other people. SNAP need to remember this for next time.

I saw teenage girls hang back, but pay absolute attention when some of us were talking. To me, they were shy but were listening intently. Yes!

I saw pre-teens very curious and open. Listening. Engaged. Yes!

I saw myself out there in the world. Speaking up. Breaking the Silence. Being the change I wanted to see. I AM PROUD OF MYSELF. I've become the person I blogged about. I'm becoming an Angela Shelton. YES!


DL said...

I am so proud of you too ! This made me smile. So many of us are coming into our power and are no longer held by the labels that the culture is trying to put on us (victim, survivor etc). We are ourselves and thriving ! Yay !

JD said...