Sunday, March 22, 2009

conference musings

i just spent the weekend with an awesome group of women.

1) angela shelton is just angela shelton
2) ali's voice is even better in person
3) kimleigh is amazing and funny and can dance the socks off anyone out there
4) i totally made an ass of myself in front of dee wallace (maybe I'll explain later)
5) angela rose's smile lights up the room

being with a group of women was simply amazing
i've never experienced any like it
women should come together to celebrate more
i danced and felt my body--for the first time in ... a long time
i danced in a bar
i felt a part of a larger purpose

i'm overwhelmed at my feelings at the moment
will try to get them down after further thought

may you believe you are beautiful and powerful and wonderful in every sense...


Sunday, March 8, 2009

here we go....

wow. i'm just a busy bee from now until end of april.

army of angels conference Friday (omg friday...gulp)
i'm sure it will be fun
i'm just never comfortable in a group situation
especially a group of women
i can only be me, though

who am I? i'm me! strong warrior angel!
just keep saying just keep saying it
big breath
here we go....

april events for breaking the silence month
all month long
what if i do something wrong
what if one doesn't go well
it's ok it's ok
what we're doing is GOOD GOOD STUFF
if one person is empowered to break their silence
it's worth all the time and effort and yes, even self doubt
big breath
here we go....

Monday, March 2, 2009

just being

do you ever wanna just be?
just sit there and be

no expectations
from others or from yourself

no recriminations
from others or from yourself

it's easy and insidious and well easy

can't really live life if you just be

what do i mean by be...

not relaxing in your presence and being in the moment


more like...

just sitting
not thinking
nothing hard
nothing wanted
no opinions
no fighting
just blah

i wonder if this is a survivor issue

just wondering