Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today, I DO feel like an angel


When we report, people ask questions, write articles, think, take action!

I wrote to my senators, personally and with honestly. WOOHOO!

Dear Diana:

Just minutes ago, Congress passed the PROTECT Our Children Act.
It was a long, hard campaign... one that started with committed PROTECT members like you and then grew to over half a million Americans after it was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. Many Washington insiders said we would never win. We wanted you to be the first to know that we did!

As our campaign showed America, law enforcement now knows how to locate and stop hundreds of thousands of criminals who assault children and traffic in child pornography. But despite years of empty rhetoric from politicians, less than 2% of these cases are even being investigated. That begins to change today, with the passage of the PROTECT Our Children Act.

In the coming days, we'll share many of the details about this landmark bill and how it was passed. But we didn't want you to wait to hear this news. Please take time today to celebrate what we've accomplished together, because this never would have happened without you!
--The Staff and Volunteers at PROTECT

Saturday, September 13, 2008

i don't feel like an angel today
or a
or a

i feel like a failure
and a
and a
weak coward

i want

i want to feel good every day
i want to apply what i learn in therapy and grow
i want to believe the words i say inside (trying to change to positive thinking)

i want

... an EASY button

I can speak in front of people

I can be an advocate for others

I believe that it's good that I made it this far

I am smart and funny and people enjoy being around me

I love to eat turnips and squash and braggs

sigh... delete this or just end the entry

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama...please

  • Please be the change you say you are going to be.
  • Please be the best man you can be for the job. If you stay true to what you say now, I will support you.
  • Please understand that you a new group of Americans are watching you and hoping.
  • Please understand that you have somehow instilled in me hope and a desire to care about this election.
  • Please treat my hope/desire with extra kid gloves. It is new and shiny and easily broken. I'm willing to work with the change -- if it's really there.
  • Please don't let Washington corrupt you.
  • When you get to that first small decision where you can either compromise yourself and go easy or you can stick to your ideals and have a difficult road, PLEASE take the difficult road.
  • Please be the leader for America that we need -- someone honest, forthright, for the people, who serves the a govt official should.
  • Please keep an eye out for the children and the perps who prey on them. Hear us cry out for justice and a forum and then give it to us.
  • Please get rid of the corrupt and self-serving people who do not care what I want or need.
  • Please, even if you don't believe in abortion, continue to fight for my right to have control of my own body. I didn't have it for awhile, and now I am not going to let go of that control without a loud and vicious fight.
  • Please understand that by fighting for our rights over our own body this includes reproductive health and contraception accessibility -- for all women.
  • Please, please don't let me down.